Course Contract

Andrius Benokraitis
810 University City Blvd. Apt. 3
Blacksburg, VA 24060

October 17, 1996


Title:  Online Info-Center to the VT-CAVE
Role:  Initiator, Planner, Creator, Implementor, Maintainer
Timeline:  See Below
Others in Group:  None
Decision of Grade:  To be announced by professors
Group dealings:  Not applicable

Create a website for the CAVE project coming to Virginia Tech that ties information, politics, 
public relations, and marketing in one.

Target Audeience for Web Site Use:
Professors/Co-PIs trying to promote the VT-CAVE 
Professors interested in using the VT-CAVE 
Showing the true use of the CAVE and its benefits

1. 	What is a CAVE?
	1.1 	History and development
	1.2 	Specifics of mechanics…how does it work?
		1.2.1 	Graphics Scanned
		1.2.2 	Video in Shockwave provided by U of I
		1.2.3 	Text from magazines and internet sites
	1.3 	Technology involved

2. 	Applications/Who will use it?
	2.1 	Research
		2.1.2 	Medical
		2.1.3 	HCI
		2.1.4 	Weather
		2.1.5 	Agricultural (Dr. Bevan)
		2.1.6 	Other
	2.2 	Commercial/Industrial
		2.2.1 	Overview and Potential

3. 	The CAVE here at Tech…
	3.1 	People in support
		3.1.1 	Co-Pis
		3.1.2 	President/Provost??
		3.1.3 	Interviews in Audio/Video
	3.2 	When is all this happening?
	3.3 	Where will this be put?
	3.4 	What is the equipment we will use?

4. 	Other CAVEs and links…
	4.1 	UIUC
	4.2 	U of San Diego
	4.3 	Other links
		4.3.1 	Immersadesks
		4.3.2 	Links, links, links…

10/14		Find Website – done! Will be housed at
10/21		Get Outline approved from Co-PIs, present Wizard of Oz type pres.
10/28		Finish collecting data, start production
11/4		Finish Outline #1
11/11		Finish Outline #2
11/18		Finish Outline #3
11/25		Finish Outline #4
12/2		Documentation/Organization
12/9		Demo
Andrius Benokraitis, December 12 1996.