Jerry's Contract  

                                       Brittle Fracture

I.  Definition  of  Brittle Fracture   

     A. Types of  Brittle Fracture
         1. Transgranular
         2. Intergranular

     B. Pictures of Brittle Fracture
         1. Chevron markings
         2. Origins of cracks

II.   Background Info

     A. Stress

     B. Strain
         1.  Necking
         2.  Poisson's ratio

     C. Young's Modulus            

III.  Stress-Strain Plots of Brittle type materials 

     A.  Ceramics
     B.  Brittle Steels

IV. Ductile to Brittle Fracture  

     A.  Affects of  temperature
     B.  Strain Hardening

V.   Griffith Theory of Brittle Fracture