MSE 2034
Elements of Materials Engineering

Fall, 1997
Index 7247, 15:30 - 16:45 T,Th
Holden 110

INSTRUCTOR:Ronald D. Kriz, 120 Patton, 231-4386
Office Hours Tu, Th: 12-2 pm
Other times by appointment only;
call 231-7569 the day before.
See instructor for special arrangements.
Text Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction
3rd. edition, by W.D. Callister, Jr.
Chemistry 1036
Physics 2175
Letter Grades A:100-93 A-:92-90
B+:89-87 B:86-83 B-:82-80
C+:79-77 C:76-73 C-:72-70
D+:69-67 D:66-63 D-:62-60

WEIGHTING: 20% homework, 50% tests, 30% final exam. As judged appropriate in individual cases, these weights may be altered to the student's benefit where substantial improvement is realized near the end of the course, homework missed due to major illness, etc.

TESTS:There will be three tests. Absence during a test will result in a grade of zero. Makeup tests will be given only for a document illness or death in the immediate family.

TEST PAPERS: Please leave flat and staple upper leftcorner. Please write on only one side of the page with PENCIL ONLY. Upto 10% may be deducted for failure to follow these instructions.

HOMEWORK: Homework problems are due the next class period after the class period they are assigned: e.g. assingments given on Tuesday are due Thursday and assignments given on Thursday are due Tuesday. Assignments will be given every Tuesday and Thursday in class except the class period before tests are typically reserved for review. All homework will be submitted on 8-1/2" x 11" light green engineering paper. Poorly written homework will not be graded. All pages will be stapled togther in the upper left corner. Your LAST NAME FIRST should appear in the top left corner, SSN No. in the top center, and the Assignment No. and problem numbers in the top right corner. All homework will be written ONLY IN PENCIL and ONLY RED INK PEN must be used when reviewing homework in class. When homework problems require the use of your PC, include a printed copy of your computer program. No homework will be accepted late FOR ANY REASON. If you fail to hand in more than one assignment due to major illness or family emergency, please provide a note of explanation and attach any available supporting documentation and your homework will checked for accuracy and correctness but not graded. Each assignment will be given a grade based on equal weight for each problem in the assignment: for example if there are 5 problems each problem will be assigned 10 points for a total possible grade of 50 points total. Final homework percentage is simply calculated by adding your total points and dividing by the total possible points.

HONOR CODE: The Virginia Tech Honor code applies to all homework and exams, and no form of dishonesty will be tolerated by the instructor or the students. If a serious attempt to work a homework problem is unsuccessful, then help may be sought from another student, including those currently in the course. But this help must be limited to the minimum necessary to allow further progress. Copying of another students work, including work from old notes, or permitting your work to be copied, is considered a serious breach of the honor code. In our class we review the problems on the day they are due before the lecture begins. Correcting or copying your homework with pencil during the review in class is a honor code violation.


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. identify the major classes of engineering materials and relate their macroscopic performance to the microscopic properties characteristic to each class

  2. perform fundamental calculations and analyses necessary to describe the mechanical behavior of materials

  3. identify and recommend processing methods by which specific material structures can be produced and their properties developed or enhanced

  4. correctly identify and select appropriate materials for a given application based upon fundamental relationships between microscopic material structure and properties, including their known ranges of applicability and limitations.

Class      Date   Topic                      Reading

1            8-27    Introduction                   Chapter 2 
                     Atomic structure               

2            8-29    Crystal structures             3.1 - 3.7, 3.12 - 3.14

3            9-3     Imperfections in solids        Chapter 4

4            9-4     Diffusion                      Chapter 5

5            9-9    Mechanical properties           6.1 - 6.5

6            9-11    Mechanical properties          6.6, 6.8 - 6.12

7            9-16    Dislocations,                  Chapter 7
                     strengthening mechanisms

8            9-18    Review                            ----

9            9-23    Test No. 1                        ----

10           9-25    Fracture, fatigue, creep       Chapter 8

11           9-30    Phase Diagrams                 9.1 - 9.9

12           10-2    Fe-C system                    9.13 - 9.15

13           10-7    Phase transformation           Chapter 10
                     in metals

14           10-9    Thermal processing of          Chapter 11

15           10-14   Metal alloys                   Chapter 12

16           10-16   Material selection             Chapter 23, 24

17           10-21   Review                            ----

18           10-23   Test No. 2                        ----

19           10-28   Ceramic structures             Chapter 13

20           10-30   Applications, processing       Chapter 14
                     of ceramics

21           11-4    Materials selection            Chapter 23, 24

22           11-6    Polymer structures             Chapter 15, 16.1-16.5

23           11-11   Polymer behavior, applications 16.6 - 16.17
                     and processing

24           11-13   Composites                     Chapter 17

25           11-18   Review                            ----

26           11-20   Test No. 3                        ----

27           12-2    Corrosion and degradation      Chapter 18

29           12-4   Materials selection             Chapter 23, 24

25           12-9   Review                            ----

Ronald D. Kriz
Virginia Tech
College of Engineering

Materials Science & Engineering 2034
Fall 1997