Testing Your System

Testing OpenGL

The easiest way to test OpenGL is with a demo called "gears". This demo should already be installed. However if it is not installed, it can be downloaded with all of the OpenGL demos located here:

- If this site is down you can download these demos locally.

The following two command shows how to check to see if you have the gears program and what type of feedback to expect if you have a voodoo card installed.

~> which gears
~> gears
WARNING: This Mesa Library includes the Glide driver but
         you have not defined the MESA_GLX_FX env. var.
         (check the README.3DFX file for more information).

         you can disable this message with a 'export MESA_GLX_FX=disable'.

If everything was installed correctly you should see three gears spinning around each other. More importantly they should be shaded and the animation should be very smooth. If this is not the case go back to the "Linux Install" section and double check that you completed the OpenGL section correctly.