From kriz Thu Jan 30 20:47:29 1997
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 20:47:28 -0500
From: kriz (Ron Kriz)
Subject: Re: Sense8 VR Software


Thanks for the info.  I'll posted it and include
it in the recommendation.  Many people also want
Sense8, so be it.  I hope someone comes forward
to lead the way on the site license.

Ron Kriz
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From Thu Jan 30 10:45:19 1997
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 10:45:17 -0500 (EST)
From: (Bob Williges)
Subject: Sense8 VR Software
Cc: (Bev Williges), (Roger Ehrich), (Rex Hartson), (Debby Hix), (Ed Fox), (Jack Carroll), (Mary Beth Rosson), (Woody Barfield), (Bob Williges), (Mike McGee)

Ron, In response to your request for standardized software to use on
development machines for the CAVE, please read the following email I
received from one of my graduate students, Mike McGee.

In the spirit of USABILITY, I recommend that we follow Mike's
recommendation and adopt Sense8 WorldToolKit (WTK) and WorldUp (WU) for the
CAVE.  Perhaps you can get a site license for it.

I'm forwarding this email to some of the other HCI folks around campus who
may want to offer they opinions about Sense8 to you by the 1/31/97
deadline.  There's a lot to be said for adopting a GUI interface for
campus-wide use across varying degrees of computer expertise.

Hope this helps in your decision process.  BobW

>Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 12:27:20 -0500
>To: williges
>From: (Michael McGee)
>Subject: Sense8 VR Software
>Having spoken to Jack Jorman of Sense8 and researched a bit more about
>WorldToolKit (WTK) and WorldUp (WU), I've formed a few opinions about their
>VR software.  Sense8 software does support CAVEs, and is continuing to
>modify their products to do so.  As I understand it, WTK would be the
>package used for the actual CAVE.  WU or WTK would be used to develop VEs
>on nearly any platform that we have around campus (PC, DEC, Sun, Sparc,
>SGI, etc. - no Macs).  WU is the newer Sense8 VE development software
>package which has a GUI interface with real-time environment rendering.  WU
>(based on Visual Basic) environments are completely compatible with the
>traditional Sense8 product WTK (a C function include library package).  The
>saved WU world becomes a one line call in a WTK program.  Non-programmers
>can use WU without knowledge of visual basic; however, C is a must for WTK.
>WU is described as having 98% of the functionality of WTK.  Many file
>formats can be imported to either package (Direct3D, AutoCAD, VRML, etc.).
>From Jack Jorman, a site liscence would include WTK, WU, and other support
>software, training, etc, for all users on campus for a price slightly more
>than one WTK or one WU package alone.  Jack Jorman (a Va. Tech graduate)
>would be happy to come down and discuss Sense8 products with whatever
>groups on campus wanted to learn more.  I think this would be an excellent
>idea if time permits.  By all accounts WU appears to be an easy to use,
>fully interactive, powerful VE development software package.  Additionally,
>WU and WTK are compatible with the equipment we already have (VR Research
>HMDs, FOB head tracking, logitech 3d mouse).  Without having actually used
>WU (the true test), I can't make a totally unqualified opinion, but based
>on the above, the site liscence option of WTK and WU seems to be an
>excellent fit for our campus wide CAVE software needs.
>Mike McGee

Dr. Robert C. Williges
Ralph H. Bogle Professor   _  _____  Industrial and Systems Engineering
302 Whittemore Hall         \  //    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Virginia Tech                \//ECH  Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0118

E-Mail:                    Telephone: (540) 231-6270
WWW:         Fax: (540) 231-3322

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