NCSA Partnership in Advance Computational Infrastructure Proposal

Virginia Tech is participating on the NCSA Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure Proposal. For more information contact :

  1. Ken Reifsnider for Materials Applications
  2. Jack Carroll for Human Computer Interactions
  3. Ronald Kriz for Visualization and CAVE programs.
  4. FromSmarr28Mar97 Message from Larry Smarr, PACI WAS ACCEPTED.
  6. Information on NCSA-PACI Alliance / Virginia Tech / VT-PACI Proposal
  7. PACI Alliance Quarterly Status Report, May 1, 1998.
  8. PACI Alliance98 / VT-Presentation
  9. NCSA-PACI (John Toole) and ODU (Glen Wheless and Cathy Lascara) visit Virginia Tech's CAVE to discuss future collaboration.
  10. PACI Alliance Quarterly Report, June 22, 1998
  11. VT visits ODU to discuss PACI collaboraiton and together we visit NASA Langley Research Center for possible NASA ISE collaboration. December 12, 1998.
  12. PACI Alliance Quarterly Report, January 21, 1998 / Summary of LIMBO awarness tools

Last Revision June 22, 1998