#VRML V1.0 ascii Separator { #set up the camera PerspectiveCamera { position 0 0 10 } #light the scene DirectionalLight{ direction 0 0 -1 } #Draw 3 spheres side-by-side #The sphere in the middle is half the #size of the ones on the end. # Draw First Sphere is in the Center Sphere { radius 0.5 } FontStyle { size 0.3 } Separator { Translation { # move to the left by 4 translation -4 0 0 } # Draw Second Sphere using above translation Separator{ Translation { translation 0 1.5 0 } AsciiText { string "www.ncsa.uiuc.edu" justification CENTER } } WWWAnchor{ name "http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu" Sphere { radius 1.0 } } } Separator { Translation { #now move right by translation 4 0 0 } Separator { Translation { translation 0 1.5 0 } AsciiText { string "LightedCone.wrl" justification CENTER } } #Draw the 3rd Sphere WWWAnchor{ name "LightedCone.wrl" Sphere { radius 1.0 } } } }