Score Scripts

Your score script numbers will be different from the numbers that are shown here.

Score Script 01

This script goes in the frame where the navigation begins.

set qtCastName = "your.Moov"
set qtSprite = 11
set the movieRate of sprite qtSprite to 0
set the movieTime of sprite qtSprite to 0
set upSprite = 12
set the movieRate of sprite upSprite to 0
set the movieTime of sprite upSprite to 0
Number of horizontal frames in your.Moov
set horz = 11	
Number of vertical frames in your.Moov
set vert = 11	
Frames per Second of your.Moov
set qtFPS = 30	
set incr = (60/qtFPS) 
These are the sprite numbers assigned during the stage 
set up = 2				
set down = 8 			
set left = 4 			
set right = 6 			
set center = 5			
set upleft = 1			
set upright = 3
set downleft = 7
set downright = 9
set picture = 10

Score Script 06

This script goes in the repeat frame of the navigation.

Call the script QTrollover
Causes the movie to loop on itself. The frame gives the 
current frame #.
go to the frame