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The goal of the project was achieved. We developed a tool that is easy to use because of the graphical user interface of the application and allows one to visualize very fast peturbed flows around an airfoil. This will help a designer to make a quick decission if a design is performing well in  conditions other than the design conditions. Although, we were not concerned with the interpretation of the flows obtained with this tool, we observed the development of a pressure buble in the example flow immediatly after the pressure peak.  

As mentioned earlier this is an evolving project that will grow and improve with time. It was clear  from the begining that it will not be finished by the end of the course. A plan of future improvements already exists. The new procedures that will be added to the programm will be :  

  • Procedure for calculating and displaying the stream lines.
  • Procedure for creating Postscript files of the images.
  • Procedures that will allow the processing of sensitivities other than,the sensitivities with respect to the AoA and Ma-number.
  • Procedure that will read the binary files produced by the flow solver and the optimazation algorithm.
  • Procedure that will alllow the user to zoom in and out to regions of interest this will be helpfull in visualizing the boundary layers.
Indented is to extent this tool to visualize 3D flows. Also another application of this tool will be the visualization of the mixing  of Hydrogen with air in the combustion chamber of hydrgogen powered  ram jet engine.  


A better presentation of the visualisation tools such as AVS, PV-WAVE, etc., would be desirable. More exercises concerning the above software packages would be also helpful. 


All Contents Copyright © 1997 by Iossif Mugtussidis & Dimitrios G. Stamos