There are developments in the area of OPEN INVENTOR  , which are leading to incorporate the VRML 2.0 node types in OPEN INVENTOR. Template Graphics Inc under license from Silicon Graphics Inc the inventor of OPEN INVENTOR started enhancing the library to include VRML 2.0 nodes in its version of OPEN INVENTOR for WIN 32 . The following are the observations from these developments :

           The traditional Open Inventor scene graph to display a red cone:

            #Inventor V2.1 ascii
                    Separator {
                        Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 }
                                Cone {}

            The equivalent VRML 2.0 scene graph to display a red cone

            #VRML V2.0 utf8
                Transform {
                    children Shape {
                        appearance Appearance {
                            material Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 }
                                geometry Cone {}

               The C++ code that creates the traditional Open Inventor "red cone" scene graph
                // Classic Open Inventor nodes
                    SoSeparator *pRoot = new SoSeparator;
                    SoMaterial  *pMat  = new SoMaterial;

                    pMat->diffuseColor.setValue( 1, 0, 0 );
                    pRoot->addChild( pMat );

                    pRoot->addChild( new SoCone );

               The New Open Inventor with VRML2.0 nodes

                // VRML 2.0 nodes
                    SoVRMLTransform  *pRoot  = new SoVRMLTransform;
                    SoVRMLShape      *pShape = new SoVRMLShape;
                    SoVRMLAppearance *pApp   = new SoVRMLAppearance;
                    SoVRMLMaterial   *pMat   = new SoVRMLMaterial;

                    pMat->diffuseColor.setValue( 1, 0, 0 );
                    pApp->material.setValue( pMat );
                    pShape->appearance.setValue( pApp );
                    pShape->geometry.setValue( new SoVRMLCone );

                    pRoot->addChild( pShape );


AudioClip:         Not implemented.
Background:      Not implemented by viewers, but application can implement.
Billboard:           Functions correctly as a grouping node, but does not auto-rotate the geometry.
Collision:            Functions correctly as a grouping node, but collideTime eventOut is not implemented.
                         Note that Open Inventor 2.4 supports collision detection, but it is the application's responsibility to use it  or not.
CylinderSensor: Not implemented.
Extrusion:          Not implemented.
Fog:                  Not implemented.
FontStyle:          horizontal, leftToRight and topToBottom fields not implemented.
                         Only horizontal justification is implemented.
ImageTexture:   Open Inventor will only try to open the first URL specified (app can override).
Inline:                Open Inventor will only try to open the first URL specified (app can override).
MovieTexture:   Not Implemented.
PlaneSensor:      Not Implemented.
PointLight:          radius field not implemented (acceptable per VRML97 section 7.3.3)
Script:                Not implemented.
Sound:               Not implemented.
SphereSensor:    Not implemented.
SpotLight:          radius and beamWidth fields not implemented (acceptable per VRML97 7.3.3)
Text:                  The maxExtent field is not implemented.
TextureTransform: Transformations are applied in the (more intuitive) pre-ISO order.
TouchSensor:      The isOver event is only generated while one of the mouse buttons is depressed.
                           The XXX_changed events are not generated unless isActive is TRUE, in other words, only while a mouse button is pressed.

Viewpoint:           The "binding" behavior is not implemented.

                Write a performer loader which reads VRML 2.0 files directly rather than to convert them to Open Inventor


  The TGS version of OPEN INVENTOR files cannot be read by the pfnav since the OPEN INVENTOR libraries are made for the WIN 32