Example 6. Obtaining Information about the Contents of a Vgroup This example illustrates the use of Vgetid/vfgid to get the reference number of a vgroup, Vntagrefs/vntrc to get the number of HDF objects in the vgroup, Vgettagref/vfgttr to get the tag/reference number pair of an object within the vgroup, and Visvg/vfisvg and Visvs/vfisvs to determine whether an object is a vgroup and a vdata, respectively. In the example, the program traverses the HDF file "General_Vgroups.hdf" from the beginning and obtains the reference number of each vgroup so it can be attached. Once a vgroup is attached, the program gets the total number of tag/reference number pairs in the vgroup and displays some information about the vgroup. The information displayed includes the position of the vgroup in the file, the tag/reference number pair of each of its objects, and the message stating whether the object is a vdata, vgroup, or neither.