Example 1. Creating and Writing a Raster Image This example illustrates the use of the routines Hopen/hopen, GRstart/mgstart, GRcreate/mgcreat, GRwriteimage/mgwrimg, GRendaccess/mgendac, GRend/mgend, and Hclose/hclose to create an HDF file and store a raster image in it. In this example, the program creates the HDF file called "General_RImages.hdf" and a raster image in the file. The image created is of size 5x10 and named "Image Array 1", and has data of the int16 data type, 2 components, and interlace mode MFGR_INTERLACE_PIXEL. Then the program writes the image data, terminates access to the image and the GR interface, and closes the file.